Welcome to the home of 40-Mile Home Education (40MHE), part of Cherry Coulee Christian Academy (CCCA). CCCA is a private Christian school operating under 40 – Mile Christian Education Society, 35 minutes west of Medicine Hat on Highway 3. Cherry Coulee is dedicated to protecting "Choice In Education" as well as the freedom to raising up our children in a faith based environment.
The home education division of CCCA has been in operation for almost 30 years. Sharon Funk was the first home school coordinator from it's early beginnings and starting with a handful of local families, with Craig Funston assuming the leadership of it in the fall of 2002.
All registered families are supervised by a man and woman team, Mike Daniels and Diane Vandergaast, who are taking over after Craig tragically passed away in the Fall of 2021. Mike attended an A.C.E. school when he was younger and now is the principal of Cherry Coulee and has been the head over 40MHE since 2012.
Diane has been involved with home schooling for 18 years, is currently the home school book-keeper, and will be working together with Mike to do home visits.

40MHE sees as its task to encourage and equip all homeschooling parents, and especially those who register with it. Parents have a huge challenge in front of them –mothers in particular, who bear the brunt of the workload of this great task—and 4MHE will do whatever it can to assist them.
40-Mile has three definite distinctive aspects:
1) One, we believe that the parents are the teachers, and the supervisors are coaches and counselors. Thus, the education of their children is primarily the parents’ jurisdiction, and 40-Mile will do everything in its power to support that process.
2) Two, 40-Mile recognizes clearly that there is more to education than mere book learning. In addition to the necessary core academics, there are also character qualities and life skills. These three components create a very necessary balance in the individual—and will stand him or her in good stead for life.
3) Three, Mike makes all of the visits together with a female associate, Diane. It is always best to “avoid all appearances of evil,” so with that in mind, we believe it prudent to have a man and a woman come to the home whenever possible.
What We Offer
The Ministry of Education expects the parents to take their home education option seriously. This is carried out by semi-annual visits to the homes of those registered with the respective boards. Mike and Diane will make visits together, with only the very rare time when it’s not possible. When a personal visit is not possible, then the home visit is done over the phone. 40-Mile is very keenly interested in the big picture (as well as the small one), and thus operates along two tracks. 1) Is education taking place? 2) How can we help you (the parent)? Anecdotal notes are made at each visit and are subsequently filed away in the individual student files at Cherry Coulee Christian Academy. Throughout the year, we send out four newsletters, plus offers the Canadian Achievement Tests (CAT) free of charge.
Our supervisors are available for educational support (over the phone) throughout the year. Support which may come in the form of tutoring, curriculum or schedule counselling, or even simply catching up on life through conversation.
Home School Documents
Home School Registration Form
Part D
Home Ed
Email registration forms to:
Bag 10370
Bow Island, AB, T0K 0G0
1(403) 545-2107

Home School Learning Supports
The Alberta government has provided a grant to AISCA (Alberta Independent Schools and Colleges of Alberta) to provide educational supports to home school families who need help with their homeschool children in the areas of Speech, Occupational Therapy, Mental Health.
Parents can go online to register for a free consultation online with specialists in the area of their child's need.
(Again, this is a free service for home school families)
To register click on the following link or go to:
Home Ed tab
Home Ed booking
Home Ed registration form -- Continue
Work through the questions and register